Sunday, August 29, 2010

Santorini and last part of Athens

Santorini was this amazing island that we camped at for one night......we had a pool and a beautiful sunset and town to enjoy......the houses were white and very beautiful probably the most beautiful homes and shops I have ever was very enjoyable.....I spent most of the day with some Korean friends on my DTS and I had an amazing time......We went into town and caught a bus which I got away with only paying half price.....shhhhh...... we went to Ia the town that sisterhood of the traveling pants was filmed and has these amazing was beautiful but I have seen too many amazing sunsets in my life to say it was the most beautiful........:)...........I was so exhausted from traveling by the time we got back to the campground it was after 10pm and I was exhausted and went right to sleep..........Our ferry back to Athens was very late so we had a lot of down time waiting for the ferry so I finished the book I was suppose to read back in lecture phase of my is about hearing God's was really cool because it gave me a clear view on the direction God is leading me too.....God I know wants me to work in evangelism when I get home!!!!!...........what that exactly means I am not sure......however I know God is calling me to be a soldier to bring hope to this hopeless world....there is corruption and injustice all around me everywhere I look but God does not want me to think about the hopelessness of this world I live in He wants me to be filled with hope and live that hope out in my life........pretty cool revelation.....:)
The boat ride was pretty uneventful......other than watching X-men Wolverine and not being able to sleep and getting back to Athens at 2am in the morning and catching a bus at 230am and getting back to where we are staying at 3am.........we did more traveling to Santorini then we did on Santorini ha ha..........
The next day was a day off to rest or shop or walk around so I went to Starbucks and shopping with some amazing girlfriends in my DTS :).......I got shoes for one euro but I will tell you more about those shoes later ha ha lets just say they wore me ha ha ha........The next couple of days we spent some team time and down time with the Lord......a friend and I got an opportunity to hear God's voice tell us something.....he was so inclined to talk to this man that was super down and out on life he smelled and looked real bad....he spoke very little English but what we got from him is that he has no family at all in this world and feels like he is nowhere and has no where to go for help....compassion for this man fell on my heart big time.......I knew he made some bad choices in his life and some awful I decided to spend the last 2 euros I had on him to buy him a small meal and we decided to bring him back to where we were staying to give him some free clothes and a sleeping bag some people from our team was throwing away.......he did not understand why we were helping him and told us that we have the biggest hearts he has ever seen.......I hope this mans life turns around for him....reality I am unsure if it ever will but I know we gave him hope and just having caring hearts gave him the little we had probably was the biggest gift he has ever seen in a very long time.......we performed one night to shoot for a video of the performance and that was a little stressful because we kept messing up and stuff and we had a time limit on the church we were using ha ha.........but the next morning we went to the Korean church and performed.......I am starting to fall more and more inlove with the Korean culture.....I couldn't really perform because of the thing I told you earlier about those wonderfully cheap shoes well they kind of ripped skin off my I was hurting.......:( and still am......the afternoon we helped out with the feeding ministry at the building we have been staying at.....I got to play with some kids and hold a little baby so a mom could eat her food with no worries :)........It was a awesome time and now I am ending my last night with sudden news about family that I have been left out of the loop and I feel betrayed a little.......I deserve to know things and my family keeps doing this to me and I am unsure why and I have come to a point where I just don't understand why they do these things......... how I wish my mom was here I feel like my family will always have this hole in it and it will never be filled..................well I am going to try and not think too much about it and head off to Egypt with no worries and let things be that are suppose to be......Jesus is my savior and He will pave the path I need to take.............

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